Monday, December 8, 2008

The Moon

At last my new short film's poster is up.



Baron Cat and the Moon.

Now that I've introduced Baron to you; let's get to know the character.

Baron Cornwall Cat is a Tabby Ginger with white patches.
He's age is 3 cat years, which is equivalent to a 20 year old.

His story is a little more lighter than from Rolf's; who's background was that, at a young age, was given away to a heartless and unforgiving farmer with cruel intentions. Baron's story is more like this.

Baron was born to a litter of kittens; who, were exceptionally close and looked out for one another. However, when Baron turned 1 years old, he wanted to live on his own and discover the world. And so he did just that, he moved into the city; on the back of a pick-up truck.

Upon arriving into the city he moved into a flats staying in the crevasses of the attic. There, he's adjusted his lifestyle to the beat of the locals and studied hard and learned a lot while sharing his thoughts with a local House Cat named, Charles.

Charles is another Tabby, but he's more grey and white with a goatee. He is older by another year.

Charles tells Baron never to go down to the streets alone unless he wants to be killed. Baron defies Charles, and upon his visit through the alleys is chased away by a gang.

Charles tells him that it's ok to have those who think they can control you but you know they never will.

Baron is introduced to other Apartment cats and so a social gathering occurs each week.

I'll stop right there because I think I'm getting carried away with the back ground.

So to keep you interested, I'll instead give you part 2 another day.


Let's get busy...

After nearly three months working solidly on Rolf, I've decided that I'm going to treat myself
to further my animation skills in another short film.

This short film, shell we say, might hopefully entice my creative juices to leak from the crevasses of my brain and on to the stage; hoping that this cartoon will involve my long time cartoon buddy, Baron Cornwall Cat, or just Baron.

So now I introduce to the world for the first time; Baron Cat and The Moon.

A pretty fitting title don't you think; short 'n' sweet and to the point. My number one rule, keep it short 'n' sweet and it'll taste great.

So look out world he comes Baron.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Rolf is complete!

After Months of being in production, I finally unveil to the world, Pup Rolf.

The World Premiere of Pup Rolf and The Spider.

Watch It now


Thursday, November 20, 2008

And we're back...

Greetings Kellie Fans,

It is my pleasure and utmost duty to address my followers as to reasons for my long absence from this great blog.

Purely and Truthfully I work for a living. GASP sensational gossip just does not work. I could have said I was undercover with some Secret Society or Battling Aliens on the moon. But come on, work? Why such a boring and tired excuse? Well it's a said fact that it costs money to make money.

Ain't that the truth.

Well I'm just letting you know I will be updating from now on as I have no changed jobs and my hours are a little more relaxing.

So sit back and enjoy.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Coming In September...

That's right Ladies and Gentlemen, Pup Rolf is coming this month, and you'll be able to see the world exclusive premiere here on Kellie Bogan Blog spot.

After several months of hard working and tireless effort from myself, I am more than happy to announce this news to everyone.

The episodes name is "Help Me, Rolf", currently the story goes about introducing Rolf to everyone and then introduces the problem of the day, which in this episode is about Rolf's friend Ozzie stuck in a cage because he's going to the vet. Ozzie doesn't want to go to the vet and wants Rolf to free him. Rolf looks at the lock and then decides to find the key. However, all is not well when we see the Neighbours dog, Nathan, taking off with the keys.

Nathan is the neighbourhood bully to Rolf, Ozzie and the rest of animals, except for Thing, who is giant spider-like creature that knits. Thing is the largest animal in the street and Nathan finds him particularly hard to beat because of this.

As much as I would like to tell you more, you'll just have to watch the episode when it appears instead. Thanks very much to those who were involved and I hope everyone enjoys the cartoon.

Cheers, Kel

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The faithful Meeting...

Like most people I'm sure, meeting a creature you are unfamiliar with is very scary. Well imagine going to a new studio is like meeting a strange, alien creature only they really want your brain.

Well I'm hoping that with Pup Rolf, the studio will be interested with me.

So here it goes and see what the future has installed with me.


Making of the Pup Rolf...

I'm also making a little documentary on me making Pup Rolf, so that I can be inspired to make more of this great creation. Pup Rolf is really taking off. I would love to have a dog like him.

Actually, I did, but her name was Maddie and she was the best dog we ever had. So she is really the inspiration to Pup Rolf. Why the name Pup Rolf? Well he's a puppy, learning and exploring and such, and Rolf is named after Rolf Harris, an Illustrator, Musician from Australia, who seems to be better appreciated in the UK, than his home country, so why not name him after the legend that is Rolf Harris.

By the way the picture is screen shot of a scene from the first episode.


Caught Sleeping on the Job...

Pup Rolf is being a bit naughty seen here sleeping while I'm working my Behind off. But all is going to plan here with Rolf, He's doing great by the way. You should start to see him moving about soon.


A little Sailor...

Pup Rolf Episode One: Is taking shape at a record pace. We should start to see test finishing and the polishing to finally be done within two weeks, so hooray to all those involved. I would like to thank the following people who have work so hard on this, Three people in particular are Me, Myself and I, but that would be too modest. So I really I would like to thank several People, My Parents, My siblings, My teacher, My Characters, Close Friends and Colleagues and everyone else in particular for all the support and help I needed to completing this task. Cheers Kel

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Final Character Versions UPDATE...

Finally I have completed the ultimate task of finally polishing the characters. With much a buzz about my new cartoon coming full circle I thought I would release these images before someone hacks into them and begins to make it theirs.

So without further delay, I present the audience, who with baited breath, PUP ROLF and his friend THING.

Updates will begin to show more of what is happening as the weeks progress.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pup Rolf: Update on Episode One

The Hardest thing in show business (or for the matter of fact, any business) is getting started. And at the moment I am getting that feeling here. Pup Rolf is kicking, breathing and living inside my noodle and he wants out now! But I am feeling tired and annoyed especially staying up to about 2 am doing animation testing and storyboard adjusting, everything just seems unclear and disorganised. But luckily for my animatic for leading the way and getting my spirits up. Now I have some new material I want to release. First Pup Rolf in a more artist late night version and me if I were like Arnold Schwarzenegger meshed up me. Fenagin....

Cheers Kel

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pup Rolf - animated series.

Here we go another blog, post, insert, outburst of random thought I have, in the depths of my mind, conjure up into a sentence that would be easily describe what a thousand monkeys writing on their little typewriters would even do.

I present to you the blog-reader, blog-eater, blog-spider, BLOG-WRITER and ghajl-ider,
PUP ROLF. A little cartoon I thought of when I was riding on the bus the other day. The same bus with the old man who farted giving me little chance to breath, thus causing the lack of oxygen to go to my brain which help produce this little gem of an idea.

While the noxious methane attack my senses, thus blinding me in all impossible attempt of escaping it, it had a reminder of a dog i once owned that had the very same problem.

Without talking about her in vain, she was a sweet kind and caring dog that will never be replaced, except the cat moving into the bed we had for her. But because of my fondness of remembering her, I thought I would do sort of a tribute to her ever lasting legacy she had on my life.

I'll be posting more on this subject later in the
picosecond, nanosecond, microsecond, millisecond, second , minute, hour, day, week, fortnight, month, quarter, year, tropical year, Gregorian year, Olympiad, lustrum, decade, Indiction, generation, century, millennium and such.

Cheers Kel

A big beginning with little end insight...

Ladies and Gentleman, please put your hands together to Kellie Bogan, making
his first tread in the blog-o-sphere or blog-o-verse- or his mum's basement if you will.
All and all they're all very dark and filled with spiders and that smell that haunts your soul;
also to note what ever you left in your schoolbag that went dead a long time ago, lies in one corner.

But enough discussion on my view of my life... oh hell why not, everyone else does it, I'll join in filling up wasted space of memory that could be better spent increasing your email account, with the already the hundreds of emails you haven't read a filling up your precious space that would be left open for the weekly newsletter from your favourite magazine or porno site that you forgot to unsubscribe to when you got married.

Anyhoo, I am really writing to tell whoever comes upon here to get ready, for I am going to be posting, shock horror, posts. (Eww Inspiring)

This blogspace or bloghouse or your sister's backseat of her car, will be filled with wonderful love and warmth that scares any man upon hearing of it.

To cut to the point, I am an artist (not really hard to be one) and illustrator (equally less difficult) and animator (just above rocket science).
This blog will be used to showcase, examine and expand upon my (dis)abilities in the artistic world. So watch out world, I've got a couple of cigarittes, a laptop, a blog and a gun.

I would go into detail on what kind of gun it was, but the israeli merchant was most persistent on buying it. So yeah.

I'll be back to post, upload, download, inload, outload, catload, frogload, yourmotherload my thoughts and give out an expressions that will even make a granny jump, like that mouse that doesn't leave... damn it.

Cheers Kel

Reading Kellie

Reading Kellie
Read for Pleasure