Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pup Rolf - animated series.

Here we go another blog, post, insert, outburst of random thought I have, in the depths of my mind, conjure up into a sentence that would be easily describe what a thousand monkeys writing on their little typewriters would even do.

I present to you the blog-reader, blog-eater, blog-spider, BLOG-WRITER and ghajl-ider,
PUP ROLF. A little cartoon I thought of when I was riding on the bus the other day. The same bus with the old man who farted giving me little chance to breath, thus causing the lack of oxygen to go to my brain which help produce this little gem of an idea.

While the noxious methane attack my senses, thus blinding me in all impossible attempt of escaping it, it had a reminder of a dog i once owned that had the very same problem.

Without talking about her in vain, she was a sweet kind and caring dog that will never be replaced, except the cat moving into the bed we had for her. But because of my fondness of remembering her, I thought I would do sort of a tribute to her ever lasting legacy she had on my life.

I'll be posting more on this subject later in the
picosecond, nanosecond, microsecond, millisecond, second , minute, hour, day, week, fortnight, month, quarter, year, tropical year, Gregorian year, Olympiad, lustrum, decade, Indiction, generation, century, millennium and such.

Cheers Kel

A big beginning with little end insight...

Ladies and Gentleman, please put your hands together to Kellie Bogan, making
his first tread in the blog-o-sphere or blog-o-verse- or his mum's basement if you will.
All and all they're all very dark and filled with spiders and that smell that haunts your soul;
also to note what ever you left in your schoolbag that went dead a long time ago, lies in one corner.

But enough discussion on my view of my life... oh hell why not, everyone else does it, I'll join in filling up wasted space of memory that could be better spent increasing your email account, with the already the hundreds of emails you haven't read a filling up your precious space that would be left open for the weekly newsletter from your favourite magazine or porno site that you forgot to unsubscribe to when you got married.

Anyhoo, I am really writing to tell whoever comes upon here to get ready, for I am going to be posting, shock horror, posts. (Eww Inspiring)

This blogspace or bloghouse or your sister's backseat of her car, will be filled with wonderful love and warmth that scares any man upon hearing of it.

To cut to the point, I am an artist (not really hard to be one) and illustrator (equally less difficult) and animator (just above rocket science).
This blog will be used to showcase, examine and expand upon my (dis)abilities in the artistic world. So watch out world, I've got a couple of cigarittes, a laptop, a blog and a gun.

I would go into detail on what kind of gun it was, but the israeli merchant was most persistent on buying it. So yeah.

I'll be back to post, upload, download, inload, outload, catload, frogload, yourmotherload my thoughts and give out an expressions that will even make a granny jump, like that mouse that doesn't leave... damn it.

Cheers Kel

Reading Kellie

Reading Kellie
Read for Pleasure