Here we go another blog, post, insert, outburst of random thought I have, in the depths of my mind, conjure up into a sentence that would be easily describe what a thousand monkeys writing on their little typewriters would even do.
I present to you the blog-reader, blog-eater, blog-spider, BLOG-WRITER and ghajl-ider,
PUP ROLF. A little cartoon I thought of when I was riding on the bus the other day. The same bus with the old man who farted giving me little chance to breath, thus causing the lack of oxygen to go to my brain which help produce this little gem of an idea.
While the noxious methane attack my senses, thus blinding me in all impossible attempt of escaping it, it had a reminder of a dog i once owned that had the very same problem.
Without talking about her in vain, she was a sweet kind and caring dog that will never be replaced, except the cat moving into the bed we had for her. But because of my fondness of remembering her, I thought I would do sort of a tribute to her ever lasting legacy she had on my life.
I'll be posting more on this subject later in the picosecond, nanosecond, microsecond, millisecond, second , minute, hour, day, week, fortnight, month, quarter, year, tropical year, Gregorian year, Olympiad, lustrum, decade, Indiction, generation, century, millennium and such.
Cheers Kel
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